Saturday 28 November 2015

Anthropomorphic Frog (Classwork)

In class we looked at anthropomorphic creatures and attributes that made them interesting. Our assignment was to draw an anthropomorphic exotic frog in whatever style we liked. The initial research that I did was of exotic frogs.

I decided to use the green frog's face and simply add a dapper suit. I am pleased with how this turned out considering it was done in class, but I could have added more detail and polished it a bit more, perhaps adding more depth and shade.

2 Point Perspective Vehicle

Our homework was to draw a 2 point perspective vehicle. 
I collected a few reference images for ideas, focusing on the style of Steampunk/victorian vehicles. 

Following the rules of 2 point perspective, I sketched this out in my sketchbook and then shaded it in with copic markers. I believe the proportions to be fairly accurate, however if I had more time I would have edited it in photoshop and made it look nicer.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

2 Point Perspective

This is my 2 point perspective sci fi room concept. I tried to keep it as simple as possible, with classic room elements that everyone is familiar with but with added Sci-Fi tweaks such as the robotic looking door and modern chair, with a metal window and flooring.