The concept of my game has changed over the course of its making. At first, I wanted it to have treasure chests, enemies once you first entered the temple, and ancient artifacts to collect. However to simplify it I decided to simple make it a temple/dungeon type level where similar to puzzle games, you had to put the correct coloured object into its twin "placement."
1)The game how it looks generally. Trees were used from the asset store, to give it a more forest/temple type feel.
2) Box Colliders and RigidBody added onto the cubes that would use the Pick-Up script, and then they are to be dropped into their respective colours.

3)Example, the red cube would have to be dropped into this cube - even if it is on the other side of the temple.
4) As you can see here the dropping point for the blue cube is much farther away, but the white cube is right next to it, but you must take it to the white cube placement.