Wednesday 2 March 2016

Insectoid Homework

This is my moodboard regarding some pictures I found on the internet to contribute to my research. There wasn't much variety however I thought these particular images stood out and I can get a lot of inspiration from each image.
So here are the sketches that I did, not completely clean polished but I managed to portray the concepts well enough:

This is the final design I have chosen, and I will now draw it in three quarter view in Photoshop and make it look nicer.

This was my first attempt at drawing the insectoid in Photoshop; I was at a loss as to how to make its body and dress have an earthy, tree-like texture so my first attempt at this was in my eyes a failure. I haven't put in enough detail, and the colouring lacks depth and presence. I will attempt to do it again.

My second attempt, final design in 3 quarter view

I am much happier with how this came out. The drawing is clearer and brighter. I was thinking the Insectoid character is some sort of Shaman, on a planet full of nature and greenery (hence the green leaf inspired dress) and has herbal powers. The mushroom on its head symbolises its connection to nature.

Some improvements I would make: to add more detail into the drawing and delete the black outline to give it a sense of realism. At the moment it is a simple drawing with a block outline. However, this also works as it is in its own unique style. 

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